Government Public Relations and Media Office
Government Public Relations and Media Office

Slovenia - 10 Years of Independence
Path to Independence
Slovene Contribution to World Civilisation
The Celebration

From the Plebiscite to the Declaration of Independence
War for Slovenia
Independence Documents
Recalling Memories
26 June 1991 - Ljubljana, the Square of the Republic


Ten years after, I am trying to sort out and arrange the course of events in the period between May 90 to October 91, as long as "my" war lasted. It is unbelievable how many events, activities, and tasks happened in such a short time; among these lots of minor but important things which will, however, never come into history.

If the wheel of time had turned backwards and I would have foreseen all these events, the important and the less important activities, the huge and the small tasks that we were carrying out, and if I could have set the timing, I think that October 91 - the withdrawal of troops of the former army from Slovenia - would have happened many many years later.