Government Public Relations and Media Office
Government Public Relations and Media Office

Slovenia - 10 Years of Independence
Path to Independence
Slovene Contribution to World Civilisation
The Celebration

From the Plebiscite to the Declaration of Independence
War for Slovenia
Independence Documents
Recalling Memories
26 June 1991 - Ljubljana, the Square of the Republic


On the basis of the fundamental principles of natural law, i.e. the right of the Slovene nation to self-determination, on the principles of international law and the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, and on the basis of the absolute majority vote in the plebiscite held on December 23, 1990, the people of the Republic of Slovenia will no longer be part of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. On the basis of an unanimous proposal by all parliamentary parties and group of delegates and in compliance with the plebiscitary outcome, the Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Constitutional Act on the sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Slovenia at the sessions of all its chambers on 25 June 1991.

Prior to the plebiscite on sovereignty and independence, Slovenia proposed, jointly with the Republic of Croatia, a draft agreement proposing to the other Yugoslav republics an alliance or a confederacy of sovereign states, according to which the present member of the Yugoslav federation would continue to cooperate in the spheres of economy, of foreign policy and in other areas. The Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia voted in favour of a sovereign and independent Republic of Slovenia. Slovenia notified the other Yugoslav republics and the Yugoslav public of the actions which Slovenia was required to take on the basis of the plebiscitary outcome. These messages included the resolution of the Proposal for a Multilateral Dissolution of the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia and other initiatives. Slovenia also proposed to Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav republics, as the constitutive entities of the Federation, a bilateral dissolution, which would create two or more sovereign states, which would acknowledge each other's status as a legal, international entity. Slovenia repeatedly voiced its readiness to come to an agreement on the permanent and institutionalized forms of cooperation, including the arrangement of interrelations in the event of a Yugoslav confederative or economic community, or some other suitable form of association which would benefit all its nations and citizens. The proposal for a bilateral dissolution and the formation of sovereign states was not accepted within the reasonably allotted time, except by the Republic of Croatia. The Republic of Slovenia was thus compelled to pass the Constitutional Act of the Sovereignty and Independence of the Republic of Slovenia.

The Republic of Slovenia has proclaimed its sovereignty and independence and has thereby assumed actual jurisdiction over its territory. Consequently, Slovenia as an international, legal entity, in the full sense of the term, and in conformity with the principles of the unification of sovereign states in Europe, seeks association with other states, membership in the United Nations Organization, membership in the European community and participation in other alliances of states or nations. The sovereignty and the independence of the Republic of Slovenia must be understood as a condition for entering into new integrational processes within the framework of the former Yugoslavia and within the European framework. Moreover, the Republic of Slovenia will strictly adhere to the Founding Document of the United Nations, to the Declaration and other acts of the Conference on European Security and Cooperation, as well as to other international treaties. The establishment of a sovereign and independent state of Slovenia on the basis of the right to self-determination is not an act against any political entity of Yugoslavia or any other foreign political unit. Slovenia recognizes the right to self-determination of the other republics, nations and nationalities of Yugoslavia. Slovenia wishes to exercise its right to sovereignty and to association with other sovereign states in a peaceful manner by mutual agreement, through talks and dialogue, in conformity with the standards of the international community, which means that the future relationships on the territory of former Yugoslavia should stand on democratic principles, without changing the external and internal borders of Yugoslavia.

The Republic of Slovenia as a sovereign and independent state hereby proclaims:

  • that the Constitution of the Social Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is no longer in force on the territory of the republic of Slovenia. The Republic of Slovenia is continuing with the procedure of assuming actual rule on its territory. The procedure will be carried out gradually and in agreement with the other republics of former Yugoslavia, without encroaching on the right of other republics;
  • that it is prepared to continue negotiations regarding the possible forms of association with the states which will be constituted on the territory of former Yugoslavia. On the basis of mutual recognition, the Republic of Slovenia is prepared immediately to initiate talks in order to reach an agreement on an association of sovereign states on the territory of former Yugoslavia. Within this association, the member states would be free to pursue their joint economic, political, international and other interests. The reaching of such an agreement, or at least a joint declaration of the desire to reach such an agreement, would guarantee that the process of assuming authority in the newly founded states and the process constituting an association of these states would not cause undue conflict. On the contrary, these processes would be mutually stimulating and would facilitate the process of self- determination in all Yugoslav nations, the right of Albanians in Kosovo and the development of democracy in the alliance of sovereign states on the territory of former Yugoslavia;
  • in compliance with the decision of the Sabor of the republic of Croatia, Slovenia recognizes the Republic of Croatia as a sovereign state and an international legal entity.
    The mandate of the Slovene delegates to the Federal Chamber of the Assembly of the SFR Yugoslavia and the delegations of the Republic of Slovenia to the Chambers of the Republics and Provinces of the Assembly of the SFR of Yugoslavia is terminated by the proclamation of the Declaration of Independence. The Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia shall elect a new 12-member delegation, which will be authorized to participate in negotiations regarding the dissolution of Yugoslavia at the Assembly of former Yugoslavia, in the solving of current issues during the transition period and negotiations regarding the possible formation of an association of sovereign states on the basis of approval by the Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia. The Republic of Slovenia appeals to the other Yugoslav republics to delegate such authority to their respective delegations. The Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia also expects the Federal Executive Council to participate in this process.
    The Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia authorizes its present Member of the Presidency of the SFR of Yugoslavia to represent the Republic of Slovenia, in conformity with the guidelines of the Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, in the Presidency of the SFR of Yugoslavia. All outstanding issues such as the status of the Yugoslav peopl's Army in the Republic of Slovenia, competencies in the sphere of international relations and the issue of the division of common property will be dealt with in a special agreement jointly reached by the Republic of Slovenia and the corresponding bodies of former Yugoslavia.

In its capacity as an international and legal entity, the Republic of Slovenia pledges to:

  • respect all the principles of international law and, in the spirit of legal succession, the provisions of all international contracts signed by Yugoslavia and which apply to the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. In conformity with the anticipated agreement on the assumption of the rights and obligations of former Yugoslavia, the Republic of Slovenia will honour its share of international financial obligations towards other states and international organizations, and ensure the free flow of goods, services and people across its borders, and also ensure the uninterrupted flow of transport and communication on its territory;
  • endeavour to gain the approval of the international community regarding the proclamation of the sovereign and independent Republic of the sovereign and independent Republic of Slovenia and to improve economic, cultural, political, financial and other ties with the international community. Furthermore, Slovenia seeks legal recognition from all countries which respect democratic principles and the right of all nations to self-determination. Slovenia also anticipates that the international community will use its influence to contribute to the shaping of the alliance of sovereign states on the territory of former Yugoslavia and thus contribute to the bilateral and peaceful implementation of the decision to create the sovereign and independent state of the Republic of Slovenia.

The Republic of Slovenia is a legal entity and a social state, whose environment is suitable for market economy. Slovenia pledges to observe human rights and civil liberties, the special rights of autonomous nationalities, as well as the European achievements of industrial democracy (above all socio-economic rights, the rights of the employed to take part in decision-making processes and independent unions), the inviolability of property and the freedom of association in a civil society. Slovenia pledges to guarantee multiparty democracy and local, or regional, self-rule. Slovenia guarantees that political or other form of persuasion will not be used as a basis for instigating inequality or discrimination of any kind. It further pledges to solve all contentious internal and external issues in a peaceful, non-violent manner and to strive to improve cooperation, on an equal footing, with all nations and citizens of Europe where the people, regions, nations and states are free and equal.